Usual Causes:

Is your user name correct?
Usernames are usually your first name, then a full stop, then your surname, eg, danny.scroggins (no spaces). Sometimes a number is appended, e.g., danny.scroggins2.

Is your password correct?
Everyone has a password to access HOPS. Your first password will have been e-mailed to you. On your first log in you will have to (or will have had to) change it to something secret to you. If you have forgotten your password you can retrieve it here.

Is your railway registered?
HOPS is only available to registered railways. Individuals cannot register. You can only log in to HOPS if your railway is registered. Registration is not required to use the shop. Anyone can use the shop.

Are cookies enabled?
Cookies must be enabled in order to log in to this site. How does HOPS use Cookies?

System diagnosis info: r: numres: un: