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Time DateSystem Updates
Update 1115
28 December 2024

Further work has taken place to improve the saving of dates and times on engineering possession parts, but it isn't finished yet.

A new 'Duplicate' facility has been provided (link at the top of the item page), recognising that many items are duplicates of previous ones.

A new concept of 'Draft' and 'Published' has been introduced. Users with permission 163 (view possessions) can only see published items. Users with permission 165 (add/edit possessions) can see draft possessions.

If a published possession is edited, an 'Explanation of Change' field has been provided.

A new concept of 'Cancelled' has been added. A possession that has been published can be 'cancelled', whereupon it continues to show to all users but with the heading 'Cancelled'.

A draft possession cannot be 'cancelled', but it can now be deleted.

A published possession can't be deleted.