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Minor updates and code changes occur every day. Only significant or noteworthy updates are shown here. Updates shown with a gold background are (or were at the time) only available to Advanced HOPS members.
Time Date | System Updates |
Update 1122 4 January 2025 | ASSET MANAGEMENT SYSTEM It is now possible to allocate individual assets to individual users. New permission 539 (per asset register) enables a user to assign assets to users. This is a separate permission from 292, which is the permission to edit assets, so that a user can be allocted 539 to allocate/de-allocate assets to users without having permission to edit the rest of the details about an asset. This facility is intended for recording the issue of individually-identifiable assets to users, such as laptops or safe keys. It isn't intended for numerous assets which aren't individually identifiable, eg general site keys, for which an Element is the more appropriate method of recording. When allocating an asset to a user a 'Return/Review' date is set. This is to ensure that loaned assets don't get forgotten about for too long a period so as to make it difficult to recover, or such as the asset becomes life-expired when allocated to a user that no longer needs it when it could be more productively re-deployed. This enables the company to _demonstrate_ it is making good use of the company's/charity's assets. The default is three years, but up to five years can be set. A shorter date can also be set, for users allocated assets for fixed-term projects. If an asset's review/return date becomes overdue, this is shown on the asset register front page. At the point of the review/return date, it is possible to confirm the user still needs the asset and extend the review/return date. A 'Justification' field is also provided, enabling the justification of the allocation of the asset to be recorded. When a user returns an asset, this is recorded in the same way. Whenever an asset is allocated, confirmed or returned, an entry is added in the Work Record, so that the history of allocation to previous users is preseved. In the Asset Register, a new 'Allocations' tab shows all the assets in the register allocated to users, and their review/return date. A new 'Assets' tab in the User Details pages shows assets allocated to the specific user. An additional traffic light has been added to the User Archive screen that shows red if the user has assets allocated to them. |