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Update 1145
13 February 2025
Some new tools have been added to the Asset Management System to assist railways in maintaining asbestos registers.

There is a new option on defects to specify that a defect is 'asbestos-related'. When this is set to 'yes', two additional options appear for recording the type of asbestos and its condition.

Each individual instance of asbestos should be entered as a defect in this way. If there is more than one instance/type/condition of asbestos on an asset, the asset will have more than one asbestos-related defect.

The presence of asbestos is considered a 'defect' in that it is undesirable. It is not to suggest that there is necessarily a defect in the asbestos or that is is unsafe.

If there are containment measures in place, these should be recorded as control measures.

All asbestos-related defects (and therefore all instances of asbestos) appear in the Asbestos Register (accessible from the Asset Management System home page), along with the details of the defect and normal risk assessment.

If/when the asbestos is removed, the defect can be closed in the normal way and it will be removed from the Asbestos Register.

A yellow triangle with an 'A' in it appears next to any defect number related to asbestos, and next to any asset that contains asbestos.


In order to ensure that the Asbestos Register is exhaustive (i.e. it contains all known asbestos, not just 'the asbestos that has been found'), it is also possible to mark a Maintenance Task as asbestos-related.

These asbestos-related maintenance tasks behave in the same way as normal tasks, but earn the yellow A triangle symbol, and appear in the Asbestos Regiser. A good task would be 'Asbestos Survey'. The task can be the conduting of the survey, but not necessarily the removal of the asbestos.

Once the survey has been conducted, and the instances of asbestos entered into the Asset Management System as defects, the maintenance task can be marked as completed. This ensures that it is known whether an asset is 'not yet surveyed' or 'has been surveyed, and therefore all its asbestos will be in the Asbestos Register'.

Each asbestos-related task will be presented as a tab at the top of the Asbestos Register.